Sunday, July 16, 2017

System Storage

1024 Kilo Bytes
1 Mega Bytes (MB)
1024 Mega Bytes
1 Giga Bytes (GB)
1024 Giga Bytes
1 Tetra Bytes (TB)
1024 Tetra Bytes
1 Peta Bytes (PB)
1024 Peta Bytes
1 Exa Bytes (EB)
1024 Exa Bytes
1 Zotta Bytes (ZB)
1024 Zotta Bytes
1 Yotta Bytes (YB)

The memory unit is called by different names, such as storage, internal storage or main memory. The two types of storage in the computers system are called.

  1. PRIMARY STORAGE                     2.         SECONDARY STORAGE

        The memory unit, which is inside the “C.P.U”, is known as the primary storage. It stores the data entire in the system and also stores the information resized after the processing. The following are the different types of primary memory.

A.     RAM        (Random Access Memory)
B.     ROM        (Read Only Memory)

A)        RAM: 

          Under this type of memory, programs / data are stored only as long as the power is ON. It is a read/write memory. I.e. information may be written onto, read from it. “Ram” is stored temporary, and is lost when it is powered OFF. It is also called Volatile Memory.

B)        ROM

          This type of memory is permanently loaded by the manufacturer. It cannot be changed or erased by the user. This memory is also known as Non-Volatile Memory and Permanent Memory.

II.        CONTROL UNIT (CU): -

           This is the Central Nervous System of the computer. It controls maintains order and directs the operation of the entire system. During execution they are transferred one by one to the Control unit for execution the controlling of entire computer system. It is the part of C.P.U. it act as a manager of the computer and also called “HEART” of the computer. Example of the instructions is for reading the data it gets executed through the input device.


           The A.L.U. is stand for Arithmetic Logical Unit is responsible for mathematical calculations. It perform Addition, Subtraction, Division logical comparisons (such as A > B) on the data sent it from the memory. The ALU contains one or more storage locations “Registers”. Generally the result is also produced in a register.


            Secondary storage is an area of storage separate from the main memory, mostly used for long term storage. Secondary storage devices are used to permanently store programs / data. Example: - Floppy, C.D, s & DVD’s etc


           A Floppy disk is a flexible plastic disk coded with magnetic oxide and enclosed with in a plastic or card board sleeve. Floppy is come into two types of Densities. Single Density and Double Density. Today the most commonly used floppy is “3.5” inches with “High Density”. This floppy also called “Micro-Floppy”. The storage capacity is 1.44 M.B. But now a days nobody can used floppy’s. (Outdated).

B)        HARD DISK:-

           Hard disk is much faster than floppy disk. This is a sealed disk pack containing magnetic coated surfaces to record information. This is also called “Winchester Disk Drive”. The Storage capacities of these devices range from 10MB on wards. Now a days used capacities from 40GB onwards.

C)        COMPACT DISK - Read Only Memory (CD-ROM): -

           Compact is the latest high reliabilities low cost memory media. The C.D used the laser technology to read and write the information. The major advantage of CD is that its portable and the data reliability are very high information can be stored up to 700 MB.
D)        DVD (Digital Video Disk):- Compact is the latest high reliabilities low cost memory media. The major advantage of DVD is that its portable and the data reliability are very high information can be stored up to 4.7 GB.


            Data and programs that are stored in memory as electrical charges have to be performing called Output Devices. Common output devices are VDU and Printers.

1)         MONITER: -

         The Visual Display Unit also called the “V.D.U” Uses what is called a Cathode Ray Tub [C.R.T] to display information. It looks like a television screen. A maximum of 24 rows and 80 columns per row of information can be displayed in the text mode. Monitor also called with another name “Soft Copy”.

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