Sunday, July 16, 2017

Low Level Language

1)  Low Level Language:

A)        Machine Language:

         The first generation of computer languages were the languages used by the technicians who designed the computers. These were called machine language.

In machine language the instructions are written using zero’s and one’s (0’s-1’s). Computers use the binary system. All date or instructions ultimately have to be converted into a combination of Binary Digits (BITS) 0’s and 1’s. Each computer system has its own machine language.

The machine language is the only one that the processor directly “under stands” writing programmes in machine language proved to be extremely difficult as well as Tedious. It is easily used for writing programmes, as it is very hard. The language consists of an instruction the language consists of an instruction set for computer with a computer format.

B)     Assembly Language:

        In second generation of computers were used the assembly language. This language was designed to facilitate writing programmes. In this method mnemonic codes are used by the programmer rather, than binary digits for    Ex: - instead of using “0010” which represents the “add” operation in machine language, programmers use a mnemonic codes “ADD” for addition, “Sub” for Subtractions, “MUL” for Multiplication, “DIV” for Division directly. Auto coder is an Example of assembly language used in the IBM-1401 System.


       A high level language is designed to be user-friendly enabling programmers to write instructions. Using a combination of words in English and mathematical notations. The third Generation of languages are the high level languages.  Some examples are COBOL, BASIC, PASCAL, C, C++, etc.


Source programmes written in Assembly Language are converted into machine language by using software called “Assembler.”
A compiler is a programme, which resides permanently on Secondary storage. It takes instructions of the sources programme as an input converts them into equalent machine language. An “interpreter” is also used for translating High-Level Language instructions into Machine Language.



Whenever the PC is switched ON, Perform a Power On Self Test (POST). This test includes a reliability check of memory. The Operating System is loaded into memory other wise an error massage is displayed. The process of loading O.S. or DOS (Disk Operating System) into memory is called “Booting”. Booting is nothing but to start computer by switching ON/OFF. There are two types of Booting.

1. Hard Booting (Cold Boot) 2. Soft Booting (Warm Boot)

1. HARD BOOTING: - When we switch OFF/ON a computer is called Hard Booting.
2. SOFT BOOTING: - When we switch ON a computer after some time, if we need to restart the computer we can press CTRL+ALT+DEL keys combination simultaneously. The system will restart again. This type of booting is called Soft Booting.
The two ways of booting PC are Cold Boot and Warm Boot. A cold boot is the process by which the computer is started from the power OFF state. A  Warm Boot is the process where the pc is already powered and the user desires to re initialized the ram with dos.
The differences between the two kinds of booting procedures is that a cold boot initiates the ROM (Power On Self Test) procedure which a warm boot doesn’t  at the stage the screen will display the c:\> which is known as C Prompt. This prompt also called the system prompt for the Dos-Prompt



              Data is any collection of Facts, Observation, and Assumptions
Ex: -inventory features, financial records, customer’s names, and addresses etc.

Collection of Characters
Collection of Fields
Collection of Records
File or Information or Data


It is the smallest unit of the data, used for the purpose of recording.

We can classified them into different categories as follows:

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