Monday, July 17, 2017



Ms-Word is a powerful, professionally designed word processing package. Though it is word processing package but many Desk Top Publishing features are inbuilt in this software. Number of pre-designed formats for news, letters, and books business letters are given as a form of templates for ready use online help of word provides you immediate solution on desktop.
You can compose labels, table of contents, indexes with few commands. Inbuilt auto format helps you in formatting you text. Auto correct helps you in suggesting you to correct spelling from you old dictionary or inbuilt dictionary.
Ms-Word helps to produce documents with charts, graphs and mail merge to the customers regularly. It imports data from ms-excel ms-access for generation of documents or reports. Ms-Word is menu driven user- friendly text processing software package. It provides the following facilities beside the normal text-processing package.

Z  Automatic formatting
Z  Search option to find, change all the grammatical form of a word
Z  Spell checking as you type.
Z  Formatting documents in few steps.
Z  Adjust the appearance of words many tool bars.

Starting Ms-Word:-

I)                  Start è Programs è Microsoft Office è Microsoft Office word 2003 (OR)
II)               Start è Run è WinWord è OK

The main screen (windows) of Ms-Word will appear on the screen.

Ms-Word Opening Screen:-

Starting at the top of the window are four rows of objects, Title Bar, Menu Bar, Standard Tool Bar, and Formatting Tool Bar. You may see a Ruler below the tool bars. Below this upper row ion the typing area (Document area), which may show a scroll bar along the right side and across the bottom, below the typing area is the status bar.
Ms-word opening screen has Nine Pull down Menus at Menu Bar is as follows:-
File Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Tables, Windows, and Help Menus.

New: Creates a new, blank file.
Open: Opens or finds a file.
Close: Closes the active file without existing the program. If the file contains any unsaved changes; you will be prompted to save the file before closing. In Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, you can close all open files by holding down SHIFT and clicking Close all on the File menu.
Save: Saves the active file with its current file name, location, and file format CTRL+S.
Save As: Save the active file with a different file name, location, or file format. In Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, and Word, you can also use this command to save a file with a password or to protect a file so that others cannot change its contents.
Save As Webpage: To save the active file as a webpage format 
(for Internet purpose)
File Search: Finds files, Web pages, and Outlook items based on the search criteria you enter.
Permission: You can create content with restricted permission using Information Rights Management only in Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003, Microsoft Office Word 2003, Microsoft Office Excel 2003, and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003.
Versions: On the File menu, click Versions. Microsoft Word displays the date and time each version was saved, the name of the person who saved each version, and truncated lines of comments. The most recent version appears at the top of the list.To see the complete comments about a particular version, click the version, and then click View Comments.
Web Page Preview: To see preview of open or which file save with the help of “Save asWebpage” command file previews.
Page Setup: Sets margins, paper source, paper size, page orientation, and other layout optionsfor the active file.
Print Preview: Shows how a file will look when you print it.
Print: Prints the active file or selected items. To select print options, on the File menu, clickPrint.
Send to: To send the active file through the internet
Properties: Displays the property sheet for the active file.
Exit: Closes this program after prompting you to save any unsaved files.


Undo: Reverses the last command or deletes the last entry you typed. To reverse more than one action at a time, click the arrow next the Undo button, and then click the actions you want to undo. The command name changes to Can’t Undo if you cannot reverse the last action.
Redo: Reverses the action of the Undo command. To redo more than one action at a time, click
the arrow next the Redo button, and then click the actions you want to redo.
Cut: Removes the selection from the active document and places it on the Clipboard.
Copy: Copies the selection to the Clipboard.
Office Clipboard: With the help of cut & copy command selected item will be stored, for thepurpose of paste in case of need to paste
Paste: Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point, and replaces any selection. This command is available only if you have cut or copied an object, text, or contents of a cell. For special paste options, click the down arrow next to the button.
Paste Special: Pastes, links, or embeds the Clipboard contents in the current file in th Format you specify.
Paste as Hyperlink: Inserts the contents of the Clipboard as a hyperlink at the insertion point, replacing any selection. This command is available only if you have cut or copied the contents of a cell or data from another program.
Clear: To clear (Delete or Remove) the selected formatting or selected contents.
Select All: Selects all text and graphics in the active window, or selects all text in the selected object.
Find: Searches for the specified text or formatting.
Replace: Searches for and replaces the specified text and formatting.
Go To: In Microsoft Word, Moves the insertion point to the item you want to go to. You can move to a page number, comment, footnote, bookmark, or other location.
In Microsoft Excel, scrolls through the worksheet and selects the cell, range, or cells with special characteristics you specify.
Links: To Break (de-link) or Update the text which is paste with the help of Paste Special
Object: Activates the application in which the selected object was created so you can edit thobject in place.

Normal: Switches to normal view, which is the default document view for most word-processing tasks, such as typing, editing, and formatting.
Web Layout: Switches the active document to Web layout view, which is an editing view that displays your document as it will appear in a Web browser.
Print Layout: Switches the active document to print layout view, which is an editing view that displays your document as it will print. Print layout view uses more system memory, so scrolling may be slower, especially if your document contains may pictures or complex formatting.
Reading Layout: You switch to reading layout view by clicking the Read button  on the Standard toolbar or by pressing ALT+R in any view in Word.
Because the goal of reading layout view is to increase legibility, the text is automatically displayed using Microsoft Clear Type technology. You can easily increase or decrease the size in which text is shown without affecting the size of the font in the document.
Pages represented in reading layout view are designed to fit well on your screen; they do not represent the pages you would see if you were to print the document. If you want to view the document as it would appear on the printed page, without switching to Print Layout View . When you want to stop reading the document, you can switch from reading layout view by clicking the Close button on the Reading Layout toolbar or by pressing ESC or ALT+C.
Outline: Switches to outline view in which you can examine and work with the structure of your file in classic outline form. Work in outline view when you need to organize and develop the content of your file.
Task pane: For Hide & Unhide Task pane at the right side of the window in Ms- Office.
Toolbars: To Show or Hide the Toolbars of Ms-Word Ex: Tool Bars: 1. Standard 2. Formatting 3. Auto text 4. Drawing 5. Pictures 6. Table & Borders, 7.Picture Bar, etc.
Ruler: Displays or hides the horizontal ruler, which you can be to position objects, change paragraph indents, page margins, and other spacing settings.
Document Map: Turns on or off the Document Map, a vertical pane along the left edge of the document window that outlines the document structure. Use the Document Map to quickly browse a long or online document and to keep track of your location in it.
Thumbnails: Thumbnails are small renderings of each page in your document, displayed in a separate pane. Thumbnails give you a visual impression of the content of each page. You can click a thumbnail image to jump directly to a page.
Thumbnails are available in normal view, print layout view, outline view, and reading layout view. They are not available in Web layout view
Header and Footer: Adds or changes the text that appears at the top and bottom of every page or slide.
Foot notes: Displays the footer of the active document.
Markup: To Display the Comments with a Marking Symbol
Full Screen: Hides most screen elements so that you can view more of you document. To switch back to your previous view, click Full Screen or press ESC.
Zoom: Enter a magnification between 10 and 400 percent to reduce or enlarge the display of the active document.

Page Break: Inserts a page break above a selected cell. This command changes to remove page break if you have a cell selected that is adjust to a manually inserted page break.
Page Numbers: Inserts page numbers that automatically update when you add or delete pages.
Date and Time: Ads the date and time to an individual slide using the format you choose. If you want to add the date and time to every slide, use the Header and Footer command
Auto Text: Creates or inserts an Auto Text entry.
Field: Inserts a field at the insertion point. Use fields to inserts a variety of information automatically and to keep the information up-to-date.
Symbol: Inserts symbols and special characters from the font that are on your computer.
Comment: Inserts a comment at the insertion point.

Reference: (Sub Menu Command follows)

Foot Note: Inserts a footnote or endnote at the insertion point. You can specify the type of note reference mark and how Word numbers, and positions notes.
End Note: Inserts and endnote marker at the insertion point. Endnotes the end of the section or document.
Caption: A caption is a numbered label, such as "Figure 1," that you can add to a table, figure, equation, or other item.
Cross reference: A cross-reference refers to an item that appears in another location in a document — for example, "See Figure 1." You can create cross-references to headings, footnotes, bookmarks, captions, and numbered paragraphs.Picture: 
(Sub Menu Command follows)
Clip Art: Open the Clip Gallery where you can select the clip art image art to insert in your file or update your clip art collection. In power-point, this command is available only in slide and notes views.
From File:  Insert information by creating a linked object or embedded object
AutoShapes: The AutoShapes available on the Drawing toolbar include several categories of shapes:  lines, connectors, basic shapes, flowchart elements, stars and banners, and callouts. More shapes can be found in the Clip Organizer as well.
You can add text to shapes. The text you add becomes part of the shape — if you rotate or flip the shape, the text rotates or flips with it. Text boxes can be treated as shapes. They are formatted in many of the same ways shapes are formatted, including adding colors, fills, and borders.
Shapes can be resized, rotated, flipped, colored, and combined to make more complex shapes. Many have an adjustment handle that you can use to change the most prominent feature of a shape — for example; you can change the size of the point on an arrow.
WordArt: You can insert decorative text by using Insert è Picture è WordArt on the Drawing toolbar. You can create shadowed, skewed, rotated, and stretched text, as well as text that has been fitted to predefined shapes.
Diagram: Creates an organization chart or a Cycle, Radial, Pyramid, Venn, or Target Diagram in your document.Use the diagrams to illustrate various conceptual material and to enliven documents (diagrams are not numerically based).
Textbox: Draws a text box with horizontal text direction where you click text boxes help you arrange text and add text to graphics.
File: Inserts an existing picture in the active file at the point.

Object(Covered in WordPad Details)

Bookmark: To set the bookmark for the purpose of indication work of text completed day by day.
Hyperlink: Inserts a new hyperlink on selected word or edits the selected hyperlink.


Font: Changes the font of the selected text and numbers. In the Font box, select a font name.
Font Size: Changes the size of the selected text and numbers. In the Font Size box, enter a size. The sizes in the Font Size box depend on the selected font and active printer.
Style: Click the style you want to apply to the selected paragraphs.
Bold: Makes selected text and numbers bold. If the selection is already bold, clicking the Bold remove bold formatting.
Italic: Makes selected text and numbers italic. If the selection is already italic, clicking the italic button removes italic formatting.
Underline: Underlines selected text and numbers. If the selection is already underlined, clicking the Underline button moves underlining.
Font Color: Formats the selected text with the colour you click.     
Paragraph: Changes paragraph indents, text alignment, line spacing pagination, and other paragraph formats in the selected paragraph.
Bullets and Numbering: Adds bullets or numbers to selected paragraphs and modifies the bullets and numbering format.
Border and Shading: To give Word, Paragraph and Page Border. You can add borders to pages, text, tables and table cells, graphic objects, pictures, and Web frames. You can shade paragraphs and text. You can apply colored or textured fills to your graphic objects
Columns: Changes the number of columns in a document or a section of a document.
Tabs: To set the Tab Stop Setup on a document
Drop Cap: Formats a letter word, or selected text with a large initial “dropped” Capital letter. A “Drop Cap” is traditionally the first letter in a paragraph, and it can appear either in the left margin or dropped from the base line of the first line in the paragraph.
Text Direction: Orients selected text in a text box, cell, or frame horizontally, Left Or Right.
Change Case: Changes the capitalization of selected text.
Back ground: Change the background colours.
            If you want more colours use the option (more colour) possible give the effects format menu the effects (1. Gradient 2. Texture 3. Pattern 4. Picture)
Theme:  A theme is a set of unified design elements and color schemes. A theme helps you easily create professional and well-designed documents for viewing in Microsoft Word, in e-mail, or on the Web. When you apply a theme to a document, Word customizes the following elements: link bars, background colors or graphics, body and heading styles, lists, horizontal lines, hyperlink colors, and table border colors. Both the single-level and the multiple-level lists are also customized. To quickly change the appearance of these elements, you can change the theme.
 AutoFormat:  By using AutoFormat, you can quickly apply formatting such as headings, bulleted and numbered lists, borders, numbers, symbols, and fractions to your text.
Styles and formatting: Defines or apples to the selection a combination of formats, called a style.

Spelling and Grammar: Checks the active document for possible spelling, grammar, and writing style errors, and displays suggestions for correcting them. To set spelling and grammar checking options, click Options on the Tools menu, and then click the Spelling and Grammar tab.
Language: (Sub Menu Command follows)
Set Language: To set language as country – wide. When you open a document or enter text, Microsoft Word can automatically detect the language of the text for a number of languages. When Word detects a language, it uses the spelling and grammar dictionaries, punctuation rules, and sorting conventions for that language. This provides a convenient way to perform certain tasks automatically as you type, such as checking spelling and grammar and working with multilingual text.
Translate: Microsoft Word offers basic bilingual dictionary and translation capability, as well as access to translation services on the World Wide Web.
Thesaurus: Replaces a word or phrase in the document with synonym, antonym, or related word.
Hyphenation: If a word is too long to fit on the end of a line, Microsoft Word moves the word to the beginning of the next line instead of hyphenating it. However, you can use the hyphenation feature to insert hyphens to eliminate gaps in justified text or to maintain even line lengths in narrow columns. You can insert an individual optional hyphen or an individual non breaking hyphen, or you can let Word hyphenate all or part of a document for you.
Word Count: counts the number of pages, words, characters, paragraphs, and lines in the active document. Punctuations marks and special symbols are also included in the word count.
AutoSummarize: Auto Summarize identifies the key points in a document for you to share with others or quickly scan. AutoSummarize works best on well-structured documents such as reports, articles, and scientific papers.
Speech: This feature is available in the Simplified Chinese, English (U.S.), and Japanese language versions of Microsoft Office.You can use speech recognition to dictate text into any Office program. You can also select menu, toolbar, dialog box (U.S. English only), and task pane (U.S. English only) items by using your voice.
Track changes: To facilitate online review, Microsoft Word allows you to easily make and view tracked changes and comments in a document. In order to preserve the layout of your document, Word shows some markup elements in the text of the document while others are displayed in balloons that appear in the margin. µ Marks changes in the current document and keeps track of each changes by reviewer name.
Accept Change: Accepts the selected change and removes highlighting from it.
Reject Change: Rejects the selected change and removes highlighting from it.
Protect Document: Microsoft Word provides several security and document protection features. You can do any of the following to protect your documents and the information they contain.
Prevents changes to all or part of an online form or document except as specified. You can also assign a password so that other users can annotate a document, mark revisions, or fill in parts of an online form. When a document is protected, this command changes to Unprotect Document.

                        Letters and Mailings: (Sub Menu Command follows)


One of the Major tasks of the word processing is to generate document with individuals name & address for periodic mailing. To produce their types of form document you can use words mail merge features. It requires main document, data source & merge document, which is combination of previous too.


The main document is often in the form of letter, post card or so, you can create a letter with date & time at the top. Leave the spaces for the inside address and then type body of the letter. You can take the help of mail merge helper for creating the two documents.
  • Choose “Mail merge” from “Tools Menu”
  • Click the “Create button.
  • Choose “form letters” from the drop down list of suggestion.
Our may choose already existing database of address (or) directory, mailing list, alter wise create a fresh data source.
  • Click “Get data” button
  • You add or remove field name by clicking the appropriate button.
  • Click OK. The “Save as” dialogue box appears for naming the data source file.
  • Click the “Save” button.
The new dialogue box appears click “Edit data source”. To add data to the file. A data form appears with fields selected by you. When you have finished data entry, check OK. Click the merge button on mail merge helper.
The result of your merge can be directed to a printer, Electronic mail, fan or a new document for correction before printing.

Mail Merge Steps

µ  Choose Tools è Letters and Mailings è Mail Merge Wizard. It shows Mail Merge Task pane at the right side of window.
µ  From “Select document type” choose “Letters”, and then click on “Next” Step 1 of 6
µ  From “Select starting document” choose “Use the current document”, and then click on “Next” Step 2 of 6
µ  From “Select recipients” choose “Type a new list” then click on “Next” Step 3 of 6. Below that “Type a new list” option click “Create” Button.
µ  It display “New Address List” dialogue box.
µ  Then click on “Customize” Button. It shows “Customize Address List” Dialogue box. Then Add or Delete Field Names in that box.
µ  After Selected or Created Fields click on OK Button, then enter Addresses information
µ  After type (enter) some addresses press Enter key or click on “New Entry” button. After completed entering addresses click on “Close” button. It shows “Save Address List” dialogue box.
µ  Save file with a new name. Once its shows “Mail Merge Recipients” Dialogue box, the click OK button.
µ  Its shows Mail Merge Toolbar on screen. From toolbar click “ Insert Merge Field” (6th button) for inserting fields at insertion point. Its shows “ Insert Merge Field” Dialogue box, then select field and click “Insert” button. After inserting fields click on “Close” button.
µ  Lastly click on “View Merged Data” button toolbar (8th button), then you see the merged files with address on window.

Show Mail Merge Toolbar: For hide / Unhide Mail Merge Toolbar
Envelopes and Labels: Creates an envelope or a single mailing label, or inserts the same name and address on an entire sheet of mailing labels.
Letter Wizard: Runs the Letter Wizard, which helps you quickly create letters.
MACROS: Opens the Macros dialog box, where you can run, edit, or delete a macro. Use Record New Macro to record a series of actions as a macro, or click Visual Basic Editor to Write a macro. Macro Record New Macro/Stop Recording. Records a new macro, or stops recording after you start recording a macro.
Templates and Add-Ins: Every Microsoft Word document is based on a template. A template determines the basic structure for a document and contains document settings such as AutoText entries, fonts, key assignments, macros, menus, page layout, special formatting, and styles.
Global templates, including the Normal template, contain settings that are available to all documents. Document templates, such as the memo or fax templates in the Templates dialog box, contain settings that are available only to documents based on that template.
Auto Correct Options: Sets the options used to correct text automatically as you type, or to store and reuse text and other items you use frequently.


Draw Table: To draw table with the help of Pencil Tool in Ms - Word document
Insert:  (Sub Menu Command follows)
Table: Inserts a Table in the document with the number of columns and rows you specify.
Insert Columns to the Left / Right: Inserts a column into the table to the left / right of the insertion point. If more than one column is selected, the same number of columns is inserted into the table to the left / right of the selection.
Insert Rows Above / Below: Inserts the number of Rows above / below from the insertion point, you select.
Insert Cells: Inserts cells stating at the insertion point. You can choose to shift other cells in the table to the right or down. You can also insert an entire Row or Column.
Delete:  (Sub Menu Command follows)
Delete Table: Deletes the table completely with contents. Before delete the Table You must select the table with the command Table Menu è Select è Table
Delete Columns: Deletes from the table the selected columns or the column that contains the insertion (cursor) point.
Delete Rows: Deletes from the table the selected rows or the row that contains the insertion point.
Delete Cells: Deletes from the table the selected cells or the cell that contains the insertion point.
            Select : (Sub Menu Command follows)
Select Table: Selects the Table completely with contents. For delete, copy or cut purpose
Select Column: Selects the Column completely with contents. For delete, copy or cut purpose
Select Row: Selects the Row completely with contents. For delete, copy or cut purpose
Select Cells: Selects the Cell completely with contents. For delete, copy or cut purpose
Merge Cells: In Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint, combines the contents of selected adjacent cells into a single cell.In Microsoft Excel, combines two or more selected cells into a single cell. The cell reference for a merged cell is the upper-left cell in the original selection. Merging multiple cells into one cell will keep the contents of the upper-left cell only.
Split Cells: To split cell(s) into rows & columns, which you specify.
Split Table: To split table into two or three parts, which you specify.
Table AutoFormat: Automatically applies formats, including predefined borders and shading, to a table. Automatically resizes a table to fit the contents of the table cells.
Autofit: To auto fit the table (rows & columns) as per contents and window size. As well as to distribute rows and columns evenly.
Heading Rows Repeat: Active the first row as a Heading.
Convert: To convert the selected table into text or the selected text into table as per tab stop setting.
Sort Ascending: Sorts the selected item in order from the beginning of the alphabet, the lowest number, or the earliest date, using the column that contains the insertion point.
Sort Descending: Sorts the selected item in order from the ending of the alphabet, the highest number, or the last date, using the column that contains the insertion point.
Formula (or) AUTOSUM:  In Word, inserts an = (Formula) field that calculates and displays the sum of the values in table cells above or to the left of the cell containing the insertion point. For more information about these Formula functions such as Average, Count, Max and Min etc., refer to Microsoft Excel Help.
Hide / Show Gridlines: To Hide / Show Gridlines in active document.
Table Properties: For the Alignment of Table in to document i.e. Left, Centre, Right. Also apply Borders and Shadings to the Table.


 New window: Opens a new window with the same contents as the active window so you can view different parts of a file at the same time.
Arrange All: Displays all open files in separate windows on the screen. The Arrange command makes it casier to drag between files.
Split: Splits the active window into panes, or removes the split from the active window.


About Microsoft Word: Displays the version number of this Microsoft program; copyright, legal, and licensing notices; the user and organization name; the software serial number; and information about your computer and your operating system.


K e y b o a r d
S h o r t c u t s
Save as
Print preview
Alt+Ctrl+I   or  Ctrl  +F2
Select all
Go  to
Align Centre
Align Left
Align Right
Align Justify
Super Script
Ctrl+Shift  +  =
Sub Script
Ctrl +  +
Double Underline
Ctrl + Shift + D
Ctrl +Shift  +A
Small Cap
Ctrl +Shift +K
Underline Word But Not Spacing
Ctrl +Shift +W
Single Space Line
Ctrl + 1
Double Space Line
Ctrl + 2
Increase the font size
Decrease the font size
Quit from program

Select the entire document
Apply bold formatting
Copy the selected text or object
Change the formatting of characters (Font Command)
Canter a paragraph
Find text, formatting, and special items
Go to a page, footnote or other location
Replace text, specific formatting, special items
Apply italic formatting
Justify a paragraph
Insert a hyperlink
Left align a paragraph
Indent a paragraph from the left.
Create a document
Open a documant
Print a document
Remove paragraph formatting
Right align a paragraph
Save a document
Create a hanging indent
Apply an underline
Paste text or an object
Close a document
Cut the selected text or object
Redo or repeat an action
Undo the last action.
Decrease the size of selected text by one point
Expand/collapse subdocuments in a master document
Ctrl+ □
Increase the size of selected text by one point
Add/remove one line space preceding a paragraph
Single - space lines
Double – space lines
Set 1.5 – line spacing
Ctrl+ =(equal)
Apply subscript formatting
Create a non-breaking hyphen
An end dash

Prepared By

Lateef Salman 9849330092 9848915063

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