Monday, July 17, 2017



            Windows- in a completely new self contained operating system, designed to replace the combination of Ms-Dos operating system and the windows G.U.I. (Graphical User Interface). It offers increased performance, easy of installation and used, thoroughly consistence interface the multi tasking and many other features that were not available in Windows 3.1
Features (Or) Advantages of Windows OS

1.         Windows is a Document Centric. This means that users deal with document and not with relationship between programme and their out put. The System will it self take care of the origin document. (You need not to remember weather your document was created with Ms-Word and    MS-Excel. Just double click on your document, the system is automatically open the necessary programme) the document was created with and the document itself.
2.               Windows Introduces Two new Concepts Folders and Shortcuts. They help faster opening, searching, copying etc., a files and directories. Shortcuts provide a link to another file or folder. When you double click on a shortcut to activate it, you really activate the file to which it is Linked shortcut are not copy of the original objects, so they take up virtually no hard disk space.
3.         In Windows you can have a file name unto 255 characters long File name can include
spaces, lower case letters and upper case letters etc.,
4.         Windows has introduced a new concept called Recycle Bin. It’s a whole new idea for deleting files. No matter how you delete the file or folder, under normal circumstances it goes to the Recycle Bin. Where you can still undelete is thus provides you a safety shield to prevent you from mistake only deleting files.
5.         My Network Places or Internet Explorer Facility helps you to show Shortcuts to Web Sites, Network Computers,  and FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Sites etc
6.         Most of the windows accessories are still available including calculator, Note pad,
Word pad, Paint brush (Know called Paint) Games, and System Tools, etc.
7.         Windows is so called because the information on the screen is displayed within the frame of window.
8.         You can minimize Window, if done; it reduces to a button on the Taskbar. You can Re-display this window at any time.
9.         You can change the size of the Window.
10.       You can close the Window

Start Windows

Turn your computer system ON. Windows will starts automatically. Depending upon the speed of your system, it may take a few minutes or more for Windows to load into your computer’s memory.

The Opening Screen Icons:

The opening screen of windows shows several icons on the left side. They are
Ø  My Documents
Ø  My Computer
Ø  Recycle Bin (for details see features 4 Para)
Ø  My Network Places or MSN (Microsoft Network)
Ø  Internet Explorer
We will now discuss them one by one.


        My computer helps you access information stored in the classical file structure on your computer. If you double click on this icon, it will open up a window of my computer. My computer window contains Shared Documents, User Documents, and Disk Drive Icons.


The My Document Folder on the desktop provides a convenient place to store graphics, documents or any other files you might to access quickly. When you save a file in programs such as Paint or WordPad, the file is automatically saved in My Documents unless you specify a different destination folder. To specify a different destination folder, right click My Document and select properties. Type the name of the new folder in the Target field and click OK. Changing to a different folder does not move existing files stored in My Documents.
THE TASKBAR: - The Task Bar in located at the Bottom of Screen. The Task Bar contains the Start Button on the left corner of the task bar; the clock and a variable sized buttons for each running application are on the Right side of the Taskbar located.
You can click on the Start Button or press (Ctrl+Esc) to open the

 Start Menu”.

1. Programs
Helps you to start a program
2. Documents
Let you open recently saved documents
3. Settings
Let your personalized windows in a variety of ways
4. Find/Search
Lets you search files or folders
5. Help and Support
Opens the help that comes with windows
6. Run
Offers a way to run a programme that has no icon,
on the start menu
7. Log Off…
To restart System With refresh or For Switch User mode purpose
8. Shut down/Turn off
Shut down or turn off the computer.


The Parts of Windows are discussed below:

Control Menu:  

    To open the control menu click or the control menu icon or press Alt + Space bar. The control menu allows you to move, size, minimize, maximize, or close your window. Double clicking on the Control Menu icon close the window.

Minimize Button (0): - 

         These buttons reduce the size of the window, so that it is just an entity on the Task Bar.
Maximize (1) (Or) Restore Button (2): - This button enlarges (maximizes) window. This maximize windows fills the screen. After a window has been maximized, the maximized button becomes a restore button, which will return the window to its previous size.
Close Button (r): - This button will close the window.
Window Frame: -Dragging the window frame in one direction can change this size of the window. When you point you mouse on the window frame it changes to a two-headed arrow.
Sizing Handle: -Dragging the sizing handle located in the lowest right corners, allow you to resize your window diagonally.
Vertical Scroll Bar: Clicking on the screen arrows at either end of the vertical scroll bar, scroll the contains of the window up and down one line at a time and raised scroll box indicates the relative position of the windows.
Horizontal Scroll Bar: -It operates in the same way the vertical scroll bar but the screen contains are moved left or right.
Title Bar: The Title Bar contains the title of the window (Program). You can move the window by dragging on the title bar.
Menu Bar: - A Menu Bar can be opened by Clicking on it. To use the key board press ALT (or) F10 to activate the menu bar and then use the left arrow or the right arrow key and finally press the return key (Enter Key) or the down arrow key to open the highlighted menu.
Tool Bars: - The Tool Bar contains Buttons or Icons that all short cut for performing many command task. If a tool bar is not visible Select it from the View Menu.


Windows offers you three types of menus.

1.      START MENU
2.      MENU BAR

  1. Start Menu on the Task Bar: - Start menu is opened by clicking on the Start Button on the task bar or by pressing Ctrl+Esc.
      2. Menu (or) Menu Bar: - To open pull down menu just click on the options of the menu bar.
      3. Property Sheet (or) Pop-Menu: - This menu certain to a specific item. To open a Property Sheet menu (or) pop-menu just right click on the items you’re interested in (or) Press Shift+F10 for Property Sheet menu with the keyboard.

Starting and Stopping Programme

            There are many techniques To Start a Programme from the Windows Desk Top.
  1. Double click on an Icon labelled Shortcut to the name of the programme you want to start.
  2. If the programme has an icon on the start menu, choose start and then click on the name of the programme.
  3. If the programme is not available on the start menu, select start è   Programs è Then explain the various group on the programs menu until you find the programme you want to start.
  4. If you recently used a programme to creates and save a document then you can use start document. When you click on the document name the programme associated with the documents will start and automatically load the document.
  5. If you don’t find an icon for the programme then you want to run, then select
Start èRun and specify the full path and name of the programme.
Stopping Programme: - To Stop (or) Close a running programme choose any one from below Listed Techniques:
1.      Click on the Close Button (r) in the upper right corner of the programme windows
2.      Press ALT + F4
3.      File è Exit from the programme menu bar
4.      Right click on the button for the programme is the Taskbar and choose close
5.      Double click on the cute of menu icon at the upper left corner of the window
Closing a Miss Behaviour Programme: - If a programme hangs and does not respond to inputs from keyboard or the Mouse then the only way out is to press CTRL + ALT + DEL Keys on your Key board. This will Restart the Computer.

Working with Files and Folders:

What is the use of file?
File is a just unit of information stored on a disk of computers. You can use to store any type of data.
Ex: - Text, Pictures, Sound, WordArt, etc,.
There are three (3) types of information in a file can store, namely as follows
1.      Programme (or) Application: - A programme file contains commands and instructions that the computer can read and understand to make it behave in a certain way.
Ex: - Ms- Word, FoxPro, Ms- Excel etc.
2.      Document: - A document file contains data information that you create. Document file may contain Text, Picture, and Sound etc.
3.      Programme Data: - A Programme data files contain information that you can edit to change the way a programme behaves.
NOTEPAD: - Notepad is an editor for small text files of size less than 64 KB. You can use Notepad to edit programme listings. To start Notepad, select Start è Programs è Accessories, then Click on the Notepad. This will open up the Notepad windows containing the File, Edit, Format and View Menus. These menus contain standard command options.

Q1) What is WordPad?
Ans) WordPad is a word processing programme that comes with Windows.  It replaces the write programme available with windows 3.1. It allows you to create, Edit, Format, Store and save document.
STARTING WORDPAD: To start WordPad, select Start  è Programs  è  Accessories and click on WordPad. WORDPAD has Two Tool Bars.     


   New    Open     Save      Print     Preview       Find        Cut     Copy   Paste Undo  Date& Time
New:  This command creates a New Document. The new document can be a word6, rich text, (or) text only document.
Open: This icon (command) allows you to open an Existing Document.
Save: This saves your Current Document.
Prints: Printing of the current document.
Print Preview: This displays the document, as it will print.
Find: This searches a file for some text or object that you specify.
Undo: Undo the last action
Date & Time: This places the Date and Time in the document where the insertion point is placed.

1.            Font: This displays the current font style and when opened it displays a list of fonts
                    those are available to be used.
2.            Size: This displays the current size and when opened it displays a list of the size.
3.            Font Script: To change Font Scripts
4.            Bold: This makes the selected text boldface.
5.            Italic: This makes the selected text italic.
6.            Underline: This underlines the selected text.
7.            Colour: This icon when selected displays a palette of colours for the font.
8.            Left Alignments: This left aligns the selected text.
9.            Centre Alignment: This centre aligns the selected text.
10.        Right Alignment: This right aligns the selected text.
11.        Bulletin: This places the selected paragraphs in bulleted styles.


Page Setup: - This command displays a dialogue box, which allows you to define page size, Orientation, margins, source of paper, and other settings. You can also change the printer by clicking on the printer button.
Send: - This command loads in Microsoft Exchange. So that you can send a massage to another user or computer.
Links: - This command allows you to manage the maintenance of a linked object.
Object Properties: - This command displays properties dialogue box that varies depending on the object in the document.
Object: - This displays a sub menu with edit and open usually displayed, although these options vary depending on the object. The submenu commands activate the creating programme so that the object can be opened or edited.

            In View Menu the options (Commands) of Toolbar, Format Bar, Ruler and Status Bar are used to Hide and Unhide the Toolbars of Word Pad Programme.
Ruler: - This command displayed the horizontal scale in word pad
Options: - This sets the standard measurement units to inches, centimetres, points or picas.


Object: - These options when selected open-up a dialogue box. That’s allows you to select the type of object that can be inserted into a document. You have several choices for creation a new of object.
  1. Create New: - This allows you to select the type of object to be created the programme for creating it will be activated. For example, if you select a bitmap image, paint programme will be activated.
  2. Create from File:- This inserts an object from an existing file. It can be Embedded or Linked.

Font: - This command options allows you to choose the text, style, size, colour, and special
effects, such as strikeout and underline to be used in a document.
Bullet style: - This formats a selected paragraph in a bullet style.
Paragraphs: - This allows you to set indication and alignment for selected paragraphs.
Tabs: - This sets the tab stop position for selected text in the document.
File Menu Commands: -                         Edit Menu Commands: -

View Menu                    Format Menu                Insert Menu




Ans:  Paint is a drawing and a painting programme, which comes with Windows. It replaces the “paintbrush” programme included with Windows 3.1. Paint has many improvements over the paintbrush programme. It provides you the following new things.

ZOOMING -: Much better zooming capability form 100% to 800%
OPAQUE DRAWING: - With opaque drawing your addition cover the existing picture.
TRANSPARENT DRAWING: - Transparent drawing lets the existing object show true your
MANIPULATION OPTIONS: - The new paint programme has more choices for Stretching,
        Skewing, Flipping, & Rotating objects.
STARTING PAINT: - To start paint programme follow these Steps:
Select Start è Programme è Accessories è and click on “Paint”.
Free Form Select: - This selects an irregularly shaped area.
Select: - This selects a rectangular shaped area.
Eraser/Colour Eraser: - This eraser an area as you move the Eraser Tool over it.
Fill With Colour: - This fills an enclosed area with colours.
Pick Colour: - This selects a colour when you click on an object that has that colour.
Magnifier: -This enlarges the selected area. To return to the normal size, click on magnifier again and then click in the area of tool bars.
Pencil: -This draws a line (diagrams)
Brush: -This draws lines of different shapes and widths.
Air Brush: - This places a pattern of those dots on the drawing.
Text: - This allows you to type text on to the drawing.
Line: -This draws a straight line.
Curve: - This draws a curved line where one segments ends and another degrees.
Rectangle: -This draws a rectangular shaped line.
Polygon: - This allows you to draw straight lines connecting at any angle.
Ellipse: - This draws an elliptical shape.
Rounded Rectangular:  - This creates a rectangle with curved corners.
Colour Palette: - To select a colours follow these steps.
  1. Selects a tool
  2. Next, Select the tool shape (If applicable)
  3. Then click on the colour.
PAINT MENUS: - The paint menu bars contain the following unique menu options. These are in addition to the standard windows command.
File Menu                                                 Edit Menu
          View Menu                                       Image Menu


Set as Wall Paper (or) Set As Background (Tiled):- This places the paint object (When saved) as the background wall paper, with the design repeated in a tiled design.
Set as Wall Paper (or) Set As Background (Centered):- This places the paint object (when saved) as the background wallpaper, with the design centered.


Zoom: - This displays a submenu with options for various ways toi view the object.
Normal size image Ctrl + Pg up
Large size to see an Enlarged Object Ctrl + Pg down
Custom to set specific zoom percentage.
Show guide Ctrl+G: - This displays a guide against the object.
Show Thumbnail: - This shows a small thumbnail display of the selected part of the object.
View Bitmap: - This displays a full screen sized image press any key to return to the paint window.

Flip/Rotate: - This allows you to flip the image horizontally (or) vertically and to rotate the
image by 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
Stretch/Skew: - This allows you to stretch (or) skew the object in a horizontal (or) vertical direction by specifying percentages (or) degrees of stretch (or) Skew.
Invert Colors: - This reverses colours (or) changes them to their complementary colour.
Attributes: - This allows you to change the width and height of the object to specify how it is measured (in inches, cm) (or) to specify colours (or) just black and white.
Clear image: - This removes the image from the screen. If it is not saved, it will be lost.

OPTION MENU (in 98) (or) COLORS MENU (in XP & 2003) COMMANDS:-

Edit Colors: - This allows you to define custom colors.
Get Colors: - This allows you to look in anther computer, disk (or) folder for a colour to use
in the object.
Save colors: - This save a custom colour to a file.
Draw Opaque: - This allows toggling between opaque and transparent drawing.
THE RECYCLE BIN: To start it double clicks on the Recycle Bin icon.  The Recycle Bin window contains the Standard menu and options. The various options are discussed below.
    1). FILE MENU                             2) EDIT MENU                                 3) VIEW MENU
Restore: This option restores the selected file(s) or Folder(s) back to its original location or folder
Empty recycle binThis deletes files from the Recycle Bin.  Thus deletes then permanently from the computer.
Select all: This command selects all the files in the folder (in the Recycle Bin)
Invert selection: This selects all the files except those currently selected (which become unselected)
Standard Calculator &     Scientific Calculator

Clear all
Clears previous digit
Memory clear
Memory recall
Save current value in memory
Add current value in memory
For negating the value
= / Enter
For result
Square root
For calculating reciprocal of a value
For percentage
Clears  current value

FOLDER: A folder can do every thing a directory can do and more. A folder can contain other folders as well as files and other objects such as E-Mail messages and faxes.

CREATING FOLDERS: To create folders fallow these steps:

  1. Make the window active which will contain the new folder.
  2. Right click on an empty area in the window and select New è Folder from the pop menu. A new folder icon appears.
  3. Type a new name for the folder and press Enter / Return key.
Note: When you name a file or folder, remember these rules.

1.      The name can be maximum 255 characters long.
2.      The name can contain alphabets, spaces, numbers, etc.,
3.      Each folder on a particular disk must have a unique name.

CREATING SHORTCUT: - To create Shortcut fallows these steps:

  1. Click right side button of mouse on the desk top Select èNew è Shortcut. This displays Create Shortcut dialogue box.
  2. In the Command line box, type path and File name of item to which you wish to create a shortcut (or) Click on “Browse” button. A dialogue box displays the directories, folder and file name.
  3. Choose a file or folder to create short cut then click open.
  4. Click “Next” button and then Type new name for Icon (If you want new name (or)for the same name no need type new name).
  5. Lastly click on “Finish” button, the Shortcut Icon displayed on location Folder.(Generally on Desk Top)
Manipulating Object:

Some of the common operations we can perform on files and folders are tabulated below.

1.  Copy
Copies the folder or file to the windows clipboard.
2.  Create short cuts
Make a desktop icon that provides quick entry to the folders (or) file
3.  Cut  
Moves the folder or file to the windows clipboard.
4.  Delete
Deletes the file are folder and puts in the Recycle Bin.
5.  Edit
Opens a file so you can view and change it contents.
6.  Find
Search the current folder for a particular file.
7.  Open
Displays the contents of the folder or file on your screen.
8.  Open with…
Opens a document file (not a folder) using whatever programme we specify.
9.   Paste
Copies what ever is in the windows clip board to the currently selected folder.
10. Print
Prints the contents of a document file on paper.
11. Properties
Display various characteristics of the object.
12. Rename   
Changes the name of a file (or) folder.

USING THE KEYBOARD WITH WINDOWS: - Windows using keyboard short cut walk faster than using the mouse.
Switches among the folders and the programme on the TASK BAR
Close the active windows
Opens the control menu for active window (Program)
Switches among program and folders on the task using the task switches
Arrow Keys
Move the selection in the direction of arrow
Select all the object in a window (in Document also)
Copies selected objects to the clip board
Pastes the contains of the clip board at the Current insertion point
Cuts (Remove) the selected objects and Places them in the clipboard
Opens the “Start Menu”
Undo copy, moves, deletes, and pastes or Rename operation performed.
Moves the selection the recycle bin
Moves the selection to the last object.
Close the active menu or active dialogue box without making a selection.
Opens the Windows Help Facility
Edits the name of the selected folders or files (Rename)
ALT (OR) F10
Activate the Menu Bar on its active window
Moves the selection to the first object
Immediately delete the selection or the selected object without sending it’s the recycle Bin
Opens the contains sensitive POP-UP menu bar the selected object, same as right clicking by mouse on the object.

USING THE MOUSE-IN WINDOWS: - A typical mouse normally has two or three buttons. Left button is most useful button then it’s called “Primary button” and the Right mouse button is called “Secondary button”. Now a day’s one of the new button introduced called namely “Scroll Button”. Scroll Button is used for to move page up and down etc, some of the frequently used terms associated with mouse are discuses below.
1. Point: -moves the mouse pointer so that it touches some object.
2. Click: - point to an object then press and release the left most mouse button.
3. Double Click: - Point to an object and the left most mouse button twice in rapid succession. This technique is use to open an object.
4. Right Click: - point to an object and click right side mouse button
5. Drag: - Point to an object and hold down the mouse button which moving.
1.      Discuss briefly the Recycle Bin, Paint Menus, WordPad menus & Toolbars of WordPad?
2.      List steps to create folders and shortcuts in windows?
3.      Write about shortcut keys in details?
4.      Discuss about Opening screen icons.
5.      What is Paint & WordPad.?
6.      Draw and discuss briefly the Tool Box of Paint Program?
7.      Write short notes on Notepad.

                                                    Technical Lateef Salman Nalgonda Mobile : 91-9849330092                                                                                

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