Monday, July 17, 2017

MS Soft Disk Oparating System


            Which is a setup program, designed to manage the Entire operations of a computer system is called Operating System. OS (Operating System) is category of system software. The hardware can not function without the OS. The OS provides an Interface between the Hardware and User.  The software performs the functions of storage management and input and output device management.

            A more popular OS system is DOS (Disk operating system). The most popular OS used with the PC (Personal Computer) is the MS-DOS (Microsoft - Disk Operating system). MS-DOS and “XENIX” is a product of Micro Soft Corporation of U.S.A. “UNIX” is product of “Bell Laboratories” we will learn MS-DOS used for Single User computer systems.
UNIX:  UNIX is used for Multi User computer systems.

            The Disk Operating System comprises of many programs. The most essential programmes of the MS-DOS are IO.SYS, MS-DOS, and COMMAND.COM. These programmes have special features associated with them so that users can not delete or temper with them, they or hidden, these three programs are also referred to as the System Files.

CAPABILITIES OF DOS: - The functions of Dos are as follows.
  1. Monitor commands given by the user to a computer.
  2. Load and Execute programs specified by the user.
  3. Manage the devices attached to the computer.
Example: Key Board, Monitor, Ram, Rom (Read Only Memory), peripherals etc.

4. Manage the files of Data and Programs that the computer will work with.

Q1: What is Command?
Ans:   Command is an Instruction to Computer.
Q2: What is a Programming?
Ans:   Programming is list of instructions continuously.
Q3. What is a File?
Ans: File is a collection of information or relates data and every file has its name almost all information stored in a computer must be in a file. There are many types of files.

            1. Data Files: Contains Data
            2. Text Files: Contains Text
            3. Programme Files: Contains Programs.
            4. Different Types of files contains different types of Information.

A file has its name different operating system impose different restriction file name. Most operating system prohibit use of certain characters in a file name an impose a limit on the length of file name in addition many system allow and extension name that consist of one or more character following the proper file name.

            The Extentions usually indicates which type of file it is. MS-DOS allows the user to enter a file name of maximum 8 characters and Extention Name of maximum 3 characters.

            The file name and the extention are separated by a DOT (.). First name of file is called “Primary Name” and the Extension name of the file is called “Secondary Name”. The Extension name displayed after the DOT mark.
Q4: What is a Directory?
Ans:  Directory is a special kind of a file used to organize other file into a hierarchical structure. We can think of a Directory as a folder, that contains files and other folders. The top most directory is any file system is called the “Root Directory”. A directory that is below another directory is called “Sub - Directory”.

            To Read information from a directory or to write information into a directory, we must use an operating system command. Can not edit a directory, files directly.

Example: The DIR commands in DOS read a directory and displace its contents.

Q5: How many types of Commands in MS-DOS? Discuss about Commands in details?
Ans:  In MS-DOS there are two types of Commands.
Internal commands (Memory Loaded Commands)
External Commands (Diskette Commands)


Internal Commands are the simplest most commonly used commands and execute immediately. They are part of a file called Command.Com. When we list the directory of DOS, the internal commands are not seen.
            Internal commands are Read into the memory at the time of Booting and they stay in the memory until the machine is Switched Off. The other Commands are called External commands, Built in the form of utility programs and are no Read into the memory. Some  internal commands are listed below.

1.                  Dir (Directory): This command is used to see the files and Directories from the working directory. There are some parameters of DIR command.
      Syntax: DIR
      Dir/p: This command is used to see the files and the directories by page wise.
      Syn: dir/p
      Dir/w: This command is used to see the files and directories by width-wise (Wide-
      Format list)
      Syn: Dir/w
      Dir/s: This command is used to scroll all the system files.
      Dir/o: It is use full option used to display the files in a particular (Alphabetical wise of
      the file name and extension name by order of the file size or by the order of data or

a)      Dir/o:n:      will display files in the Alphabetical Order of the files (A-Z)
   Syn: dir/o: n 8b)      Dir/o:-n:     will display files in Reverse Order (Z-A)
Syn:dir/o:-n 8
c)      Dir/o:e :      will display file in the alphabetical order as per Extension names
Syn: dir/o: e    8
d)      Dir/o:-e:      will display files in the reverse order of the extension names.
Syn: dir/o:-e 8
e)      Dir/o:s:       will display entries in the stored order of the file size in Ascending Order.
Syn: dir/o: s 8
f)       Dir/o:-s:      will entries in the stored order of the files size Descending Order
Syn: dir/o:-s 8
2)         CLS:   This command is used to Clear the Screen. 
Syn: CLS 8
3)         DATE: This command allows the user to see Date as well as change the date.
Syn: Date 8
4)         TIME: This command allows the user to see Time as well as change the time.                                                  
5)         VOL: This command is used to see the volume or Label Name & serial number of
              working disk             Syn: Vol 8
6)         VER: This command is used to see the current version of software.
Syn: Ver  8
7)         COPY CON: This command is used to Create a New File.
Syn: Copy Con (File name)   8
After typing the matter we have to save the file by applying the keys combination
of Ctrl+z or F6 (function key)
8)         TYPE: This command is used to see the contents of a file (open).
Syn: Type (File name) 8
9)         MD or MKDIR (Make Directory): This command is used to create a new Directory
                        Syntax: MD (Dir Name)
10)       CD or CH DIR: CD stands for Change a Directory. This command is used to enter in a
directory or Come Out from a directory.
      i)   To Enter in a directory
Syn: CD (Dir Name)
     ii)   To Come Out from a directory.    
                        Syntax: CD... 8
11)       REN (Rename): REN command is used to change the name of a File or Directory
                        Syn: Ren (Old file or Directory name) (New Name)
12)       DEL (delete): This command is used to delete (Erase or Remove) File temporarily
             from working directory.        Syn: Del (file name)  
13)       ERASE: This command is used to delete a file permanently from working directory.     
                            Syn: Erase (File name)
             After applying this command we cannot Call Back deleted file(s)
14)       RD or RM DIR: RD stands for Remove Directory. It is important to remember that
      directory should be empty (only for directories)
                        Syn: RD (Directory name) 8
15)       PATH: The path command specifies the location of a file with in the directory. We can think of it as the root MS-DOS travel starting from root directory to get files from another directory
16)       PROMPT: This command is used to change the MS-DOS prompt. We can customize the command prompt to display any text we want including such information as the name of the current directory the Time, Date, some parameters of Prompt command are $P,$G,$T,$D.  
Syn: PROMPT text parameters.
Example: Prompt (Urdu Academy $G)

17)       COPY: copy command is used to make a duplicate copy of files.

1)      From one directory to another directory with the same name.
2)      From one directory to another directory with the Different name.
3)      From one Drive to another Drive with the same Name.
4)      From one Drive to another Drive with the Different name.

Important for the copy command.

(1) Copy from where        (2) To whom    (3) To Where

Syn: copy (path from where and whom we want to copy) (Path to where we want to copy)


            In DOS system an external command doesn’t desired in the COMMAND.COM file. The external commands including all other .Com files as well as .Exe (Executive) files and BAT (Batch) files. Every external command has its separate file to RUN. Some external command listed below.

1)         MEM (Memory): This command displays the amount of used and free memory
            or space of the disk.               Syn: Mem 8 
2)         CHKDSK (check Disk): This command displays report of a disk. The status report shows Logical Error on the disk. If error exist on the disk CHKDSK alerts as with a massage. This command also provides data information about the disk that how many Bytes of free on the disk, how many bytes occupied on the disk, space on the disk etc.
                                    Syn: CHKDSK (Drive Name) 8
3)         LABEL:  This command is used to see and change the Label Name of the Disk.
                                    Syn: Label 8
4)         TREE: This command is used to display all the files and contents of sub directories
              in a shape of invented tree.  Syn: Tree (Dir name) 8

5)         ATTRIB: This command is used to protect (Hide) files. With the help of ATTRIB
            command   we can make a file “Read only” and we can “Hide” files and vice versa.     
                                    Syn: Attrib +r +h (File name or Dir name)
            To make a file Write and Unhidden
                                    Syn: Attrib –r –h (File name   or Dir name)
6)         XCOPY/E:  This command is used to copy all the Files and Sub - Directories
            (Empty also) from on directory to another directory.
                                    Syn: xcopy/e (path1) (path2)
7)         XCOPY/S: To copy all Directories and Sub Directories with Files. Not copied
              Empty Sub – Directories.
                                    Syn: xcopy/s (path1) (path2)
8)         DOSKEY:  This command stores the users used commands. After using some Commands of DOS we can reselect from those commands with the help of Up arrow or Down arrow key. To use of this command we have type “Doskey” at the command prompt and then press Enter Key a message will appear on the screen “Doskey Installed”.
Note:- In Windows XP this Command Included in Internal Command
9)         FIND:  Searches for a specific string of text in a file or files. After searching the specified files, find displays any lines it has found that contain the specified string. The string must be specify in “double quotation” marks.
            Syntax:           FIND “String” (drive) (path) (filename) or
            Syntax:           FIND (/V) (/C) (/N) “String” (files)
Where (files) – list of files to be searched
            (String) – search string
            /V        - Display all lines not having the search string
            /C        - Count of all lines containing string
            /N        - Display with line number the line containing search string
10)       MORE: Displays output one screen at a time
            Syntax: MORE (Filename) (OR) Type (Filename) | MORE
11)       SORT: This command reads input, sorts the data, and the write sorted data to
            your screen, to a file, or to another device.
            Syntax: SORT (Filename)
12)       MOVE: Moves and renames files and directories.
                        Syntax: MOVE (Drive/Pathname1) (Drive/Pathname2)
13)       UN DELETE:  This command is used to call back the deleted files
                                    Syn: Undelete (File name) 8           
14)       DELTREE: This command deletes all files and sub directories from working
      directories.      Syn: Deltree (Dir Name) 8
15)      FORMAT: The Format command format the disk to accept files or data on to it. The format command creates Tracks and Sectors and a new root directory on the disk. This command is also show Bad Area of the disk. It deletes all the contents of disk.
16)       BACK UP: This command back up one or more files from one to another disk or
             One Drive to another drive. Syn: Back up {Path1 or Drive1} {Path2 or Drive2} 
Where path 1 it the path from where we want to backup. Path2 is the path to where we want to back up.
17)       DISK COPY: This command copies all the contents of disk from one disk to another Disk. It is important to know that, this command first format the disk and then copies the contents.
Syn: Disk copy (Disk1) (Disk2)                                                                                                     WILDCARD CHARACTERS:
            Wildcard characters are those characters, which are used for substituting one character or a set of characters. The Wild Card Characters are used to restrict the scope of a DOS command to only those files, which matches the pattern specified. These are of two types –“*” (Asterick) and, “?”(Question) Mark. Where “*” can substitute a set of characters and “?” can only substitute a characters at a particular position.

ASTERICK-‘*’: it indicates more then one characters.
QUESTION MARK –‘?’: it indicates a single character.
v  Some  Examples:
 C :\> DIR H*.*   : It will display all starting character ‘H’ Files.
 C :\> DIR?????.*: It will display only five character files with any extension.
 C:\> DIR*TXT:It will displays only .TXT Extensions Files only.
 C:\>DIR *. ? L? ; It will display all files with extension second character if ‘L’ only. 
 C:\>DIR? M*.*: It will display all second character ‘M’ files.
EDIT COMMAND: This command is used to change as well as modify the text of file. In MS-DOS Editor type “Edit” at the command prompt of DOS this will open in MS-DOS Editor.


            MS-DOS Editor is a text Editor. We use this editor to create, edit and print memos, letters & special files etc. Ms-dos to use this editor, we use key board or a mouse.
            When we use MS-DOS editor, we can do the following.
Ø  Choose commands from Pull Down Menus & specify information in dialogue boxes
Ø  Select text and move copy or – delete it.
Ø  Find and replace text we specify
Ø  Use help to find information about MS-DOS Editor procedures and Commands
Q1) How do we get start MS-DOS Editor?
Ans: - Just type “Edit” at the Dos command Prompt and press Enter Key. This will be open up Ms Dos – Editor Window.


            To perform commands in MS-DOS Editor, we choose commands from menus on the menu bar. The Menu Bar is displayed at the top of the MS-DOS Editor window. Before choosing a command, we select the menu that contains the commands. To select a Menu Press ALT + First letter of the menu name (Hot Key), Press the UP and DOWN Arrow Key to select the command. After selecting command Press Enter or Press the lighted Letter (Hot Key) in the command Menu. If a command does not have a highlighted letter, we must perform an action before than we can use it. If a command has a Short Cut Key, then we can use it.


            When we choose some commands a dialogue box appears. We type additional information or select option in a dialogue boxes have areas where we can type information or select option. We can move from one area to another area by pressing “TAB” key. We can also move in Reverse by pressing “Shift + TAB” Keys.
Pull Down Menu Commands Listed Below:
File Menu Commands:      Edit Menu Commands:                 Search Menu Commands:
File Menu Commands:

New: This is the first command of File Menu. It is use to Create a new text file.
Open: This command is used to open an existing file. When we choose open command, It displays a dialogue box. Where we specify path and file name or select a directory where our file resides to open it.
Save: Saves the working files.
Save As: With this command we can make a duplicate of a file.
Close: This command Closes the Working File.
Print: When we choose this command it also displays a dialogue box, this dialogue box contains information to ask the used to print “what”
Exit: Exit command is used to Come Out from MS-DOS Editor.
Edit Menu Commands:
Cut: This command is use to Cut the selected text. To apply this command we must select the text. With the help of this command we move the text.
Copy: This command is used to Copy the selected text.
Paste: This command is used to Paste the copied text or to paste the text which we cut with the   
            help of cut command.
Clear: This command is used to clear or delete the selected text.
Search Menu Commands:
Find…: This command is used to find any word or text, which is specify in dialogue box.
Repeat Last Find: By applying this command we can see our last find. When this command
                                completes last find in the text it displays a message that “find complete”.
Replace: With the help of this command we can replace a text with another text, which is    
                 specify in dialogue box.
View Menu Commands:          Option Menu Commands:       Help Menu Commands:

View Menu Commands:

Split Window: This command is used to Split Window into two parts. Through this command
                        we can make changing or modify in two windows of files.
Size Window: This command is used to Change the file window Size. After change the window
                        size Press Enter Key.
Close Window: This command is used to close a window, which is open with the split window
1, 2, 3 Untitled & Open Files: This command is display the all open files in the hierarchical structure. This command mentions how many files are opened in MS-DOS Editor Window. Maximum 9 Files are open’s in MS-DOS.
Option Menu Commands:
Settings…: This command sets the Tab Stops Setup.
Colors: This command is used to change, normal text, selected text, window border, menu bar, status line, dialogue, dialogues buttons, dialogue title bar and dialogue scroll bars. To change colours you should open colours dialogue box and select the part of window and colour and lastly Press OK button.
Help Menu Commands:
Commands…: This command displays all the edit commands, which is opens with the help of     
                          F1 key (Function key). Both are same edit commands displayed.
About…: This command is display the MS-DOS Editor version and copy right etc.

Home              :           Move to the start of the current line.
End                  :           Move to the end of the current line.
Ctrl+Up           :           Scroll up one line.
Ctrl+Down      :           Scroll down one line.
Page up           :           Scroll up one screen.
Page down      :           Scroll down one screen.
Ctrl+PgUp      :           Scroll left one screen.
Ctrl+PgDn      :           Scroll right one screen.
Ctrl+Home     :           Scroll to the start of the document.
Ctrl+End         :           Scroll to the end of the document.
Ctrl+Left        :           Move left one ward.
Ctrl+Right      :           Move right one word.
Enter               :           Start a new line.
Delete             :           Delete the character that the cursor is on.
Backspace      :           Delete the character to the left of the cursor.
Tab                  :           Move the cursor to next tab stop
Insert              :           Switch between insert and overwrite modes.
Ctrl+Y :           Delete the current line.
Ctrl+V :           Paste buffer contents into file.
Ctrl+P             :           Allows special characters to be inserted.

Shift                :           Use the shift key in conjunction with the cursor movement
                                    Functions to select regions.  
Ctrl+C :           Copy the current selection to buffer.
Ctrl+X :           Delete the current selection and copy it to buffer.
Delete             :           Delete the current selection.
Tab                  :           Indent the selected lines.
Shift+Tab        :           Un - indent the selected lines.

Ctrl+Q+F        :           find text.
Ctrl+Q+A       :           find text and replace it.
F3                    :           repeat the last search.

F6                    :           switch to next edit window.
F8                    :           switch to next file you are working on.
Ctrl+F6           :           open second edit window.
Ctrl+F4           :           close second edit window.
Ctrl+F8           :           resize edit window.


Prepared By

              Lateef Salman 9849330092 9848915063                                                                                      

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